Caught on the Web

AKA 'Some things that have caught my attention on the t'interweb of late..'

This illustration is a pretty accurate summation of my life.

* This printable fold-up conversation starter - and the young people's equivalent - from Time to Change looks like a fun way to engage with Time to Talk Day on February 5th.

* This article about a 14 year old with mental health difficulties being strip-searched by police was a somewhat alarming read.

* I signed up for the Colour Me Rad run in Aberdeen, because it looks like jolly good fun!

* Kate Middleton (not that one!) wrote an interesting piece for Mind and Soul considering how we respond to and manage challenging behaviour in the church.

* And then Mind and Soul and Livability went on to launch the Mental Health Access Pack - an entire site dedicated to helping the Church support those with mental health issues.

* Foodstory - one of my favourite food spots in Aberdeen - announced plans to expand into a bigger space. Yippee!

* Speaking of food, this article about quitting sugar makes for an interesting read.

* Didja - aiming to showcase the good stuff in our communities and bring about a different perspective - looks like it could be a really exciting project. 

* I've been busy "discovering Scottish agritourism" on the Go Rural website and it makes me want to take a road-trip, immediately.

* And I've fallen a little bit in love with Hollie McNish and her feisty spoken word poetry..

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