RECIPES // Lemon Drizzle Cake

Lemon drizzle cake

i broke my baking armistice yesterday - the first time for a long while because everyone's been trying to eat healthily around here - and made a lemon drizzle cake.

It all started off so innocently: just a packet of Betty Crocker cookies (y'know, the ones where you add water, mix and cook) because i was craving warm biscuits with my tea.

Betty Crocker cookies

And then, before you know it, i'd caught the bug and needed to do some real baking.

Out came the scales and the Primrose Bakery Book and a simple lemon drizzle cake was soon produced.

Lemon drizzle cake

Full credit to Martha Swift and co for the recipe, but the basic gist, from what i can remember is this: 

Combine: 155g self-raising flour, 155g caster sugar, 20g cornflour & a teaspoon of baking powder in a bowl.
Gradually add and blend in: 155g butter, 3 medium eggs and the juice and zest of one lemon.
Pour into a loaf tin and bake at 180C for 35-40mins. 

The icing in the recipe is made from the juice of two lemons and 155g of granulated sugar, but i swapped this for the juice of one lemon and enough icing sugar to thicken it up.

My icing skills leave a lot to be desired, but it was certainly tasty for a quick Friday night bake and even went down well with the fuss-pots at youth group.

Lemon drizzle cake


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  1. Replies
    1. It wasn't gorgeous to the eyes, but it tasted it! Quite the gem of a recipe book :)

  2. That looks and sounds absolutely mouthwatering!

  3. Oh lemon drizzle cake! Havent had that in ages, not much of a baker but maybe I should start having a go!
    Daisy Dayz
