AFRICA // Tanzania

Portrait - Young woman - Dar es Salaam Tanzania

i'm off to see the African Children's Choir perform at our local Baptist church tonight, which i'm very excited about. They've regularly been up and down the U.K. throughout the years, but this is the first time i've managed to make it along to one of their events and i'm really looking forward to it.

It's been making me think a lot about my time spent in Tanzania and how it's been four long years now since i saw any of those beautiful children. They'll all be growing up and i often wonder how they're getting on: whether they're still at school or off finding themselves jobs; whether their communities are treating them well; how their disabilities are affecting them as they continue to grow..

i miss that school and its non-stop noise and excitement. i miss Tanzania and all its warmth, beauty and friendship. And i find myself with incredibly itchy feet, desperate to go back to our little school in Dar es Salaam and yearning to see more of what the vast continent of Africa has to offer.

Some day, i hope.

For now, memories and photographs will have to do.

(i tried to plug in my external hard-drive to look at photos the other day, only to discover it's died and taken 6 years worth of pictures with it. Absolutely devastated and praying my dad can fix it. These are just some of my photos salvaged from Facebook and Flickr instead..)

You are beautiful - children at Matumaini Dar es Salaam Tanzania
That's me, so I clearly didn't take this one.


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  1. What lovely photos, and I also pray you can recover your own! I hope the concert is wonderful; I'm sure it will be.

    1. Thank you! these are my photos, but i'm regretting how much i shrank them to put online - my harddrive is completely wrecked. Hey ho.

      The choir were brilliant - if they're anywhere near you, definitely check them out!
