It's a pretty well-established fact that I like words. A lot. Other people's words, particularly.
I like words on the internet and words on paper; I like words in letters and words in poetry; I like textbook words and words in stories. I like that words touch us and incite us; that they moisten our eyes and quicken our heartbeats; that they help us feel woven together in some peculiar, inexplicable way.
I'm pretty fond of most words, really - ones that are used for positivity, anyway. But lately I've found myself growing especially fond of those presented as Spoken Word Poetry. There's something unique in its ability to touch me and move me and I regularly find myself all teary-eyed and goosepimpley, trying to grasp hold of the beauty that seems to tumble freely from these artists' mouths.
Youtube is like a treasure chest of pieces waiting to be unearthed, but these are just five of my favourites - five that have struck me most powerfully. I hope they might strike a chord with you too..
1) 'If I Should Have A Daughter..' by Sarah Kay
(N.B. The poem only takes up the first 4 minutes, but the rest of the video is worth watching too.)
"I want her to know that this world is made out of sugar - it can crumble so easily, but don't be afraid to stick your tongue out and taste it."
2) 'Shake the Dust' by Anis Mojgani
"This is for the two year olds who cannot be understood because they speak half English and half God. Shake the dust."
3) 'The Madness Vase' (aka 'The Nutritionist') by Andrea Gibson
"I have been told sometimes the most healing thing we can do is remind ourselves over and over and over, 'Other people feel this too.'"
4) '90 Trillion' by Thuli Zuma
"Even on those dark days - though the voices in your head will not agree - you are not defect, you are not damaged, you are not default, you are not sorry and you should not be. You are miracle."
5) 'The Woman at the Well' performed by Erin Moon
"To be known is to be loved and to be loved is to be known."
Whose words have inspired you recently?
Though I didn't have time to listen to the clips (sorry), your highlighted quotations are wonderful. I love "You are miracle". Words that have been inspiring me lately are: "In quietness and confidence shall be your strength," Isaiah 30:15. I feel so much calmer just reading them!