Caught on the Web

Some things I've been enjoying on the t'interwebs.. 

* But it's okay, because these 19 epic road trips through Scotland more than make up for it.

* The Scotsman's food and drink blog shared 5 bars to visit in Aberdeen or two of which I'd never heard of. 

* FoodFest 15, meanwhile, is curating a list of food-related festivals, events and places to eat around Aberdeen and Aberdeenshire.

* The new 'Look Again' festival is happening in Aberdeen right now and is well worth checking out. The city's statues are looking pretty fabulous! 

* Cuteness break:  this cat and her ducklings are pretty adorable.

* Eleri Harris has illustrated some (quite sad) statistics "on the status of female humans" entitled 'Women by the Numbers'.

* And Christine shared some fascinating excerpts from a book called 'Women in Clothes' over on her blog.

* HelloGiggles shared these "5 kick-ass slam poems" and they're pretty fabby.

* Mindfulness seems to be growing in popularity recently and I'm really intrigued by this Christian Mindfulness event that's coming to Aberdeen.

* Dr Kate Middleton gave a talk on why all Christians should "MOT their emotional life" and it's definitely worth a watch if you can spare the time.

* Likewise, it's worth reading this Headspace article on "how to stop giving yourself such a hard time".

* And finally, the beautiful Claire Greaves gave this brave talk..

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