Another ten songs that have been brightening up my life for the past month.
Some well-known artists came out with some long-awaited new tracks this month (The XX, Two Door Cinema Club, Bat For Lashes) that definitely didn't disappoint; Newton Faulkner released his new album 'Write It On Your Skin', the whole of which is worth a listen; that pop-punk band from the early 00's (Simple Plan) released a cheesy but jolly-well-catchy summer anthem; Dog Is Dead finally got some radio time (why it took so long after that appearance on 'Skins' i'll never understand); and the rest were brand new (to me, anyway) treasures i happened upon throughout the month.
If you only listen to one track, make it 'Little Talks' by Of Monsters and Men.
But listen to the whole list over on Youtube by clicking *here* and your day will be infinitely brighter!
Enjoy :)
P.S. What tracks are YOU loving right now?