The Shire: Strichen Lodge

I've been the world's least consistent blogger of late.. and I'm not going to apologise because I'm sure there's not a soul in the world who's noticed. And that's okay!

But, hey, I'm back today with another recommendation for a 'local space'.

I did warn that the majority of these spaces would focus on coffee and food and this one certainly conforms to that rule.

Based in the village of Strichen in North Aberdeenshire, between the towns of Peterhead and Fraserburgh, The Lodge is a restaurant, coffee shop and art gallery at the heart of the Community Park. 

Built in 1821, the building was renovated and reopened in 2011 as a cosy, relaxing venue in which to enjoy high-quality homecooked meals, drinks and 'funcy pieces' made from the finest produce, sourced locally from Buchan's land and sea.

Yum yum!

The food is top notch all year round, with lunches catering well for both meat-eaters and vegetarians and a selection of homebakes you'll be hard-pushed to resist, but it's in the spring and summertime that The Lodge really comes into its own, buzzing with families enjoying the sun.

With its population of only 880 people, Strichen is a traditional, picturesque country village, ideal for passing away a sunny afternoon: if hillwalking is your thing, take a wee trek up Mormond Hill with its white quartz stag and horse; or if, like me, you're more inclined towards a leisurely stroll, then take a wander around the lake at the Community Park and befriend its resident family of swans.

Whatever your energy levels, The Lodge is the ideal, family-friendly setting to relax, refuel and continue enjoying the sunshine in when you're done!

The Lodge (Strichen Community Park, AB43 6TN); open Tuesday-Sunday, from 10am-5pm. 

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  1. I noticed, Laura! Thanks for this interesting introduction. I had no idea of the existence of The Lodge in Strichen, and I also didn't know there was a white horse on Mormond Hill. Just goes to show you!

    1. You're very sweet, Christine. I guess Strichen is a bit of a trek if you live in Aberdeen ..but if you're ever up this way it's definitely a nice spot to check out!
